world building 101

Worldbuilding 101 is the foundational teaching of Worldbuilding School, which supports worldbuilders intellectually, spiritually and creatively to build the world of their dreams on a personal and collective level. Worldbuilding School is at the cutting edge of a fast growing movement towards non-dualistic engagement with reality and relational astrology in the world.

 what will you learn?

  • The Creation Sequences are an original astrological framework for building your dreamworld. The purpose of this framework is to simplify and streamline the world-building process, facilitating a connection between your interior and exterior reality. I introduce and elaborate on the concept of 'sect', an astrological schema for understanding the duality of reality, which distinguishes between day and night, and internal and external. This is not an astrology class, but a teaching created with basic astrological principles to help you understand desire and design your own world.

  • How do you understand and navigate your interior reality? How does the Moon lead to Venus lead to Mars? What do these planetary ancestors have to teach you about worldbuilding? In this section I lay out The Desire Sequence, a simple planetary technology for elucidating your desire and connecting to your dream reality. Each sequence comes with prompts for you to work with on your own.

  • How do you understand and navigate your exterior reality? How does the Sun lead to Jupiter lead to Saturn? What do these planetary ancestors have to teach you about worldbuilding? In this section I lay out The Design Sequence, a simple planetary technology for creating your identity and building your world around a sense of connection to yourself. Each sequence comes with prompts for you to work with on your own.

  • Belonging to both and neither sects/sequences, Mercury is key to understanding yourself and the world, ultimately guiding you in becoming the free agent in your own life. I’ll teach you different ways to approach Mercury (and yourself) in different realms, including as a shaman, linguist, magician, or trickster.

  • All my teachings are very beginner friendly! Whether you have a general interest in the planets, know your Sun, Moon, Rising, or are an advanced astrologer, you’ll benefit from and enjoy this work.

first came the fool, then came the world

Worldbuilding is a journey of new knowledge, new perspective, a new self emerging that won't just stay at the edge of the cliff, as the figure does in the rider waite illustration, but will go out into the real world. I see The Fool as representing the dreamself (the one free to fully participate in the waking dream) and The World as representing the world they build, of course. The World feels like embodiment to me, how becoming The Fool (a beginner's mind) having real 3D impact on your reality.

I love the innocence of The Fool. They often show up to say to me, “It is safe to start over. It is safe to begin again. It is safe to look foolish and uncertain because that is the portal to everything you have yet to dream to be possible.” The World is what’s possible when you become The Fool, the free agent: integration, open to further exploration, and firmly positioned in the center of your own world!

The intention of this teaching is to support you in creating deeper confidence and congruence in the world you’re building by connecting you to how each planet is representative of a sector of your reality, and the worldbuilding skills you innately have and can develop. This will transform your self-concept and liberate you from dogmatic conditioning holding you back. As a result, your connection to your power and freedom will increase which allows you to move from powerlessness and fear into love with ease.

This is for aspiring mystics, artists, astrologers, creators, dreamers and worldbuilders of all kinds ready to create congruence between your dreamself, your dreamworld, & the planetary ancestors.

The time for liberation is (always) now.


“Wow, I just finished watching your talk. I’m floored, so beautiful on so many levels. When I was watching, I felt a sense of “is this even real?” given how potent the ideas are and how elegant and wise the explications are. One of those “this is it” moments in terms of your vision and how right on it feels, like you got to some transcendent truth there, and it was foundationally moving.” SJ ANDERSON

new to my work?

If you’re new to the concepts of worldbuilding and the use of astrology in reality creation, you may want to begin with my introductory teachings. How to Build your Dreamworld. But even if you’re new to my work, trust yourself and start wherever you want!